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Ocean Pools

How to deal with Algae growth in your swimming pool - A handy guide

Dealing with algae growth in your swimming pool can be a bit of a chore, but it's manageable with the right approach. Algae are various types of microscopic organisms that can grow in swimming pools under certain conditions, often invisible to the naked eye until they have multiplied into large numbers. 

Therefore, we always say prevention is better than cure! Controlling algae growth involves maintaining proper water chemistry and circulation, regularly cleaning and scrubbing pool surfaces, and ensuring adequate sanitation with chlorine or other suitable disinfectants. Preventive measures such as proper filtration, regular brushing, adding a flocculant and routine shock treatments can help minimize the risk of algae growth in swimming pools. 


Here's a step-by-step guide to help you tackle algae and take back control of your pool: 

  1. Test the Water: Before you start treating the algae, test the water to determine its pH, chlorine levels, and alkalinity. This will give you a baseline to work with and help you determine the appropriate treatment. 

  1. Brush and Vacuum: Use a pool brush to scrub the walls and floor of your pool to loosen the algae. Then, vacuum up the debris. This will help remove as much algae as possible before you start treating the water. 

  1. Shock the Pool: Shocking the pool means adding a large dose of chlorine to kill off any remaining algae and bacteria. Follow the instructions on the shock treatment product carefully, as the dosage will vary depending on the size of your pool. 

  1. Algaecide Treatment: Consider using an algaecide to help prevent future algae growth. There are different types available, so make sure to choose one that's appropriate for your pool type and algae problem. Follow the instructions on the algaecide product carefully. 

  1. Maintain Proper Chlorine Levels: Algae thrive in poorly maintained pools with low chlorine levels. Make sure to regularly test and maintain the chlorine levels in your pool to prevent algae from coming back. 

  1. Clean Filters: Algae can clog your pool filters, so make sure to clean or backwash them regularly to keep water flowing freely. 

  1. Regular Maintenance: Finally, establish a regular maintenance routine for your pool, including skimming, brushing, and testing the water chemistry. Consistent upkeep will help prevent algae from taking hold in the first place. 

Remember by staying on top of your pool maintenance and treating any algae promptly, you can keep your pool clean and clear all season long. 

Our top recommended products are;

  • Blue Horizons Algimax Eliminator

  • Blue Horizons Ultimate Algicide Concentrate

  • Blue Horizons Granular Shock 

Here at Ocean, we provide a regular valet maintenance service and supply of water treatment chemicals to keep your pool clean, safe & functioning properly.

For more information contact our team on 01902670717 or email 


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